OBLIGATIONS cavin gonzalez

If there’s anything worth being grateful for it’s the wrinkles of a person you’re not obligated to love. 

I would like to set up shop in your wrinkles. A burger shop, to be exact. This may irritate your pores but I think that’s only fair enough because your pores will irritate me even though I love you. 

Nobody will come for a burger because my burgers will taste like shit. But the beer will be good, I’ll dose it with your sweat. All of my customers will grow to love you too and we’ll have Karaoke Fridays. The waiters won’t make much but they’ll be happy.

I won’t be able to pay the loan back that I took out to open the burger spot in your wrinkles. I’ll get lots of mail about it. Red letters. They’ll take my shop from me. They’ll take you from me too. It will be worth it, though, and I will be grateful for the time spent.

Cavin Gonzalez is a twenty-two year old graduate from the University of Central Florida. He is the prose editor for SOFT CARTEL, book reviewer for Pidgeon Holes, and was selected for inclusion in "The Best Micro Fiction of 2018" anthology.